Health and Beauty with Seaweed- Ancient,
But the Newest Development
There are so
many health and beauty with seaweed benefits that it would almost seem like
seaweed is a wonder drug. And, it really isn't too far of a stretch to consider
it that way.
You see the
benefits to health and beauty with seaweed are numerous and they can be seen as
a result of not just adding some seaweed to your diet, but in some cases,
applying it directly to your skin.
Seaweed has been
used for centuries by people all around the world as a food source and for its
medicinal properties. Today more people are becoming aware of the possibilities
of this unique sea vegetable too.
Here are just a
few of the most common benefits, and uses, of seaweed:
1. Food. Not all varieties of seaweed are edible, but many are. You
can add seaweed to your diet in many ways. Some types of seaweed can be eaten
raw, or can be fried , baked and then crumbled up in soups, sauces or on
salads. You can add seaweed to your drinks and smoothies. You can even just
take a seaweed supplement every day. Again, depending on the exact type of
seaweed, you can get many healthful nutrients and vitamins. Many forms of
seaweed are very high in protein and vitamins B and C as well as minerals like
zinc, folic acid and iron.
Seaweed is also
a great source of fibre and can help you keep your body detoxified and
cleansed. Iodine is yet another beneficial ingredient in many forms of seaweed.
Iodine is essential to keep your thyroid functioning properly. Your thyroid is
what can regulate everything from the temperature of your body to the rate of
your metabolism.
2. Skin and hair. Of course, adding seaweed to your diet
and improving the overall health of your body will also show up on the outside
of your body. You will have healthier more vibrant skin as well as thicker,
faster growing hair as a direct result of adding seaweed to your diet. But, you
can also apply some forms of seaweed to the outside of your body as well. That
will help improve the glow of your skin too. Many people love the feel of a
facial cream made of seaweed. They swear by the results and the rejuvenating
properties of this cream.
You can also get
a facial or full body, seaweed wrap. The properties of the seaweed will help
oxygenate and detoxify your skin. It can be invigorating as well as really good
for your skin.
So you see, no
matter what you hope to accomplish both inside and outside of your body,
seaweed can help. Since seaweed has so many health benefits and it is so easy
to add to your daily diet, you might wonder why everyone isn't eating seaweed
or taking a seaweed supplement.
Health and
beauty with seaweed can be accomplished by taking a seaweed supplement, by
adding various types of seaweed to your daily diet or by using wraps and creams
that are made from seaweed, or all of the above. Whatever option(s) you choose,
don't worry, you will look and feel great!