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Friday 12 March 2010

Stop mosquitoes in their tracks!!

For all those mozzie magnets out there, like me, who dread the holidays purely because the mozzies can't get enough of you.

I've tried all the repellents even the jungle formulas and I'm only in Spain and they still don't work. The mozzies meet me at the airport now, and get me as soon as the plane doors open. My legs itch that much, from the bites, I can't get enough anti histamine inside me, my legs swell up to a size that only an elephant would be proud to have, and the only things that find me attractive are, yep, more mozzies.

My bites would be so bad, that people would grimace when they looked at them. The bites would still be there when my tan had faded and the duty free had been drunk.

About a year ago, I read a report about Avon's skin so soft range, and how efficient it was at repelling the mozzies, even so much so, that the British Marine Commandos have been reported to use it for this reason.

Now, the range is not marketed for this purpose but for some reason the little devils don't like it. So I tried it out. I bought the entire range, well almost, body wash and dry oil spray and tested it out in Cuba and India, the mozzies here drink insect repellent for breakfast, so I was testing the range under harsh conditions. I can safely say it worked.

I eased up on the Aloe Vera, which would previously be applied in bucket loads to ease the itching of my bites, and I didn't take any anti-histamines. It made my holiday more enjoyable and the only thing I had to show friends and family when I got back home were my holiday snaps.

The actual dry oil is not an unpleasant smell, but it doesn’t make you go weak at the knees either, but it is certainly better than being covered in red, sore, itchy lumps the size of golf balls.

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